Please somebody explain how to use the VA code to show our link because I don't seem to be able to get it to work? For my VA which is Virtual Blue1 as I understand it, I need to put 'VBLF' (the 4-letter code) in the code box and 'Virtual Blue1' in the box below - the problem is that the code box then reads the lower box... I have tried adding to the txt file in the same format as the others but this also does not work (ie. the logo does not appear when I am flying a VBLF flight). I know it is possible because somehow one of our other pilots got it to work a few days ago but forgot what he had typed (and now cannot repeat it)..!
While on this subject, does anyone see problems with the aircraft coordinates not being correct when using FS9 and Windows7? If so, is there a fix? It works fine for me (FS9 and Windows XP) but one other VA member was having problems...
Thanks, Geoff