Potential bug with Smiths FMS: When entering an approach from the FMS, there is sometimes a problem with some of the fixes in the approach. It seems like the software is looking in the database for the coordinates of the waypoint (such as a VOR beacon) and just picking the first in a list when there is more than one possibility, rather than the closest. The result is that sometimes there are waypoints in the approach that are several 1000 nm way from the airport!
An example is approaches into ELLX via DIK holding point. The STAR put the correct DIK waypoint in but then when I selected the relevant ILS approach, it changed it to a different one, that was 2500nm distant... Looks like there needs to be some algorithm to take into account distance from the destination airport when choosing approach waypoints, as I assume the coordinates are not being read from the approach data directly...
Cheers, Geoff