ISG Update ver 189. This Beta update is for FS9, FSX, and P3Dv4. (updated on Feb 21 2020 (Fixes Tcas issue) This update will not work without the full 1.8.X version being installed first.
You'll need to install the full 1.8.x version to your root FSX, or P3D v4 folder, then install the 189 update afterwards.
Below are the 1.8.9 changes.
Flight Simulator Lvar support.
This is more an attempt to integrate Isg with the Virtual Cockpit button and switches of various addon aircraft.
The first one tried is the SkySim MD11. The retrofit has been updated to all the MCP functions to set the
associated Isg functions to better synch up the VC panel with the Isg gauges.
Below are the Isg vales that can be set via an Lvar, thios can be set via the (AircraftId).cfg file for a particular aircraft retrofit.
MapRange - Sets the ND or EHSI Map range
TcasOn - Toggles the Tcas mode (FSX only)
DisplayInts – Toggles the Intersections display
DisplayNavs – Toggles the Navaids display
DisplayApts – Toggles the Airports display
NDCompassMode – Displays the Compass/Rose mdoe on the ND
NDVorMode – Displays the Vor mode on the ND
NDArcMode – Displays the Arc mode on the ND
NDAppMode – Displays the App mode on the ND
NDMapMode – Displays the Map mode on the ND
NDCtrMapMode – Displays the Center Map mode on the ND
NDPlanMode – Displays the Plan mode on the ND
Vor1BrgPtr – Displays the Vor1 Bearing pointer on the ND
Vor2BrgPtr – Displays the Vor2 Bearing pointer on the ND
LnavOn - Toggles the LNAV mode
As a first attempt this was done for the SkySim MD11, below are the (AircraftId).cfg settings.
Display Scale=0,MapRange=10 // if Display Scale == 0, ND Map Range = 10
Display Scale=1,MapRange=20 // if Display Scale == 1, ND Map Range = 20
Display Scale=2,MapRange=40
Display Scale=3,MapRange=80
Display Scale=4,MapRange=160
Display Scale=5,MapRange=320
Display Scale=6,MapRange=640
DisTraffic=1,TcasOn,off=0 // if Lvar DisTraffic == 1 turn on/display Tcas, else turn off.
WPTItem Shown=1,DisplayInts,off=0
VORItem Shown=1,DisplayNavs,off=0
APTItem Shown=1,DisplayApts,off=0
Nav Display Switch=0,NDMapMode
Nav Display Switch=2,NDVorMode
Nav Display Switch=3,NDAppMode
Nav Display Switch=4,NDPlanMode
blue needle=1,Vor1BrgPtr,Off=0
VOR2 needle=1,Vor2BrgPtr,Off=0
See the Isg Settings doc file for more details.
Also I'm working on a series of tutorial videos for certain retrofits.
See the first one for the New Isg SkySim MD11 retrofit. retrofit videos to come soon.