It would seem that Windows7 security has a mind of it's own. I have read several problems where the security has been set differently for different people. My installation of FSBuild had the majority of the file icons with a padlock symbol on them. I am informed that this signifies that the SYSTEM has ownership of these files. When I looked at the file properties it showed the Owner as Administrators. I uninstalled FSBuild (yet again) and found that a couple of files couldn't be deleted (even as an adminstrator). When I tried to change the ownership of these files it said I and the administrator didn't have permission. I had to start up the computer in SAFE MODE at the command prompt as an administrator. Navidate to the FSBuild folder (sub-directory to my generation) and delete the files and finally the FSBuild folder using DOS commands. On reinstalling FSBuild the padlock symbols were back again. I finally managed to remove them by doing the following:
Right click on the FSBuild folder and select properties. Click on the Security tab. Click Advanced. Ignore the list of Permission Entries and click on Change Permissions... At the botton is a tick box "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object", tick this and click on Apply. Then close down the properties.
I found this cured my problem and thought I would pass this on in case anyone else has this problem.
Incidently, When I installed the latest AIRAC some of the files ended up with padlocks on the icons again. I just repeated the above procedure to get rid of the padlocks.
Regards, Tony
(PS. The more I use Windows7 and discover it's inconsistencies the more I hate it and grateful that I have now finally retired from IT.)